The Sanderling Six ~ On the outside looking in!
Just like the lonely shadow in the foreground, we are all on the outside looking in. They have their own tight knit group of six and the seventh bird doesn’t make the grade. We’re wondering how much fun they have and what it would be like to be part of the group?
The Sanderling Six by William R. Beebe, 12 x 20, oil on board, $2500
The Sanderling Six (detail shot) by William R. Beebe
In The Sanderling Six, the Sanderlings are contemplating their next move, getting ready to march on down the shore. The surf is relatively calm with a slight roll to an approaching wave, which surely will get the birds in motion.
The sand is dry and hot from baking in the afternoon sun. Each granule round and colorful by itself, combine to form a very flat surface, beige in color. The undisturbed sand will at some point be disturbed by water and marked with footprints, but for now all is smooth and calm.
I wanted The Sanderling Six to be a painting that was calming to look at. It is a painting of late afternoon, almost cocktail hour at the beach, after a perfect day.
I would love to hear what you all think of it. Thanks as always for following my art, reading my journal, and for all of your thoughtful comments!
“One of the joys of being an artist is having the freedom to follow my passion...”
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Drawing by William R. Beebe