Raking Clams (Inspired by A. Aubrey Bodine)

Raking Clams (Inspired by A. Aubrey Bodine)
Framed oil painting
30 x 36 (image size), oil on canvas
Having been given permission to work from the famous photographer’s work, the late A. Aubrey Bodine, I thought it would be appropriate to capture this particular scene of his that symbolizes the Chesapeake Bay of old. He was the photographer for The Baltimore Sun newspaper for many years, his black and white photographs elevating him to become tops in his field. Many of his photographs were focusing on the Chesapeake Bay, the working life of the waterman and depicting a way of life that was quickly disappearing. It was an honor for me to pay homage to Aubrey Bodine by painting my version of his black and white Raking Clams!