Taking a Stance ~ a Brown Pelican’s pose!
With a fisherman a few feet away, this Brown Pelican wasn’t camera shy at all. He was very focused on getting a free handout of fish. He allowed me to get very close and cooperated by taking a stance, one that projected confidence and steadfastness.
Taking a Stance by William R. Beebe, 14 x 12, Oil on board, $2300
Although a free meal is nearly certain, he casts an occasional glance out toward the open water knowing there are plenty of fish in the sea!
The sandy beach has hints of wetness, created by a light wash of raw sienna over the sandy surface. The Pelican sees the approaching surf but knows it is of no concern. His broadly based webbed-feet are firmly planted and he isn’t at all worried about being overpowered or getting his feet wet. ☺
Taking a Stance by William R. Beebe (detail shot)
After my last textured painting, Windswept, I decided to employ traditional oil painting techniques in Taking a Stance, to produce a smooth surface. I kept the palette traditional and developed the feather pattern to the point of being well defined without becoming too illustrative.
The Brown Pelican is a bird with an abundance of character and personality. I find their behavior fascinating. It was this Pelican’s pose that made him stand out and compelled me to paint him.
Taking a Stance by William R. Beebe (detail shot)
Thanks as always for reading my journal. Having now written over two hundred of them, I hope there might be a few of you out there that have been with me from the beginning??? If so, thank you. If not, and you’re new to following my journal, thank you too for your interest in my work.
Please check back soon, for another painting is in the finishing process and a blog about it will follow shortly. Thanks!
“One of the joys of being an artist is having the freedom to follow my passion...”
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Drawing by William R. Beebe