Annie Bettie's Cottage

Annie Bettie's Cottage
Framed oil painting
20 x 24 (image size) oil on board
This cottage has a southern charm to it just like its owner Annie Bettie. Everywhere you look your eye catches an abundance of flowers in bloom, speckled sunlight and cast shadows. The open porch with the ceiling fans is so inviting especially on a hot humid day. The backlit filtered light, the rose covered arbor and the cottage itself all appeal to me aesthetically.
Beyond the gate one discovers a variety of colorful perennial beds, potted annuals and a vine covered trellis. On this side of the gated arbor, closer to the street that winds down to the marina, a white picket fence lined with yellow daylilies, pink peonies, purple irises and white daisies surrounds a more formal garden area with a crushed stone walkway where one can sit and reflect.
We enjoy walking past Annie Bettie’s Cottage just about every day, as it reminds us of our wonderful former home in Camden, Maine and its “secret garden”.